
                               TRAVELLER´S BLOG

Resultado de imagen de aeropuerto tegel berlin

After the visit to Berlin we headed to the Tegel Airport in Berlin to go to Johanesburgo

When we went to Johanesburgo we stayed in a hotel, that was called Both Hotel, it costed 64 Sudafrican Rands per person.

The hotel had, a really big swimingpool, a restaurant with high quality and the apartaments were very big and complex.
That day we developed our things and we went to the swimingpool, and when it was 7 and a half we entered to the restaurant to have the dinner. The restaurant was very big and modern.
I ate a plate called boerewors, the plate costed 7 Sudafrican Rands and that was like this
Resultado de imagen de boerewors.

Resultado de imagen de ostrich meat

Ancor ate some ostrich meat it costed 5´50 Sudafrican Rands
Resultado de imagen de ostrich meat

The next day we at the morning, decide to visit more places of Johanesburgo.
One place we visited a museum that was called Museum of Africa.
Inside, It  was a lot of  mummys and a lot of bones o animals that have extinged.
The place was very big and cool, the visit costed 4 Sudafrican Rands per person

At lunch we went to a restaurant called Great Dane it were a lot of persons,  and we had to go to other restaurant.
It was called Six Cocktail, and it was perfect for having a lunch.

Resultado de imagen de papas fritas y huevosI chosed for lunch some eggs whit potatoes, there were delicious, it costed 5´50 Sudafrican Rands

Ancor ate Bobotie the is tipical from there and the prize was of 7´50 Sudafrican Rands

Resultado de imagen de Bobotie

Resultado de imagen de arroz con ensalada
Sofía and Victoria ate rice whit salad the prize was of 5´50 Sudafrican Rans per person. 

All the afternoon we stayed in the swiming pool, we had a great time playing voleyball in the pool.
At night we went to the hotel´s restaurant and we decide to eat all a plate called Samosa and i costed 7´50 euros.

Resultado de imagen de Samosa:

The next day we start the day whit a glas of milk whit Cola Cao
and we visite the center of Johanesburgo.

Resultado de imagen de centro de johannesburgo

When we realized they were 2 o´clock of th afternoon and we had to eat. 
We visited a restaurant called Majestic.
It was  a little small but it had a good decoration.

Resultado de imagen de fotos de papas con carneAncor ate some Meat whit Potatoes and the prize were of 5 Sudafrican Rands  and he said it were very good.

Sofía ate some burger of meat, lettuce cheese and egg it costed a litte big expensive:8´50 Sudafrican Rands.

Resultado de imagen de hamburguesa de queso huevo lechuga y carne

Victoria ate a Tropical Salad whit fish that costed 6 Sudafrican rands . 

Resultado de imagen de ensalada tropical con pescado
Resultado de imagen de papas con ensalada
I ate some Salad with potatoes they were delicious and healthy, it costed 4´50 Sudafrican Rands

At afternoon we play in the pool, and then we were for a walk about the outers of Johanesburgo, and then going to the hotel for having dinner.

In the restaurant I ate some Turkey whit salad that costed 4´50 Sudafrican Rands.
Resultado de imagen de pavo con ensalada

Sofía ate a plate called pap and it costed 6´50 Sudafrican Rands
Resultado de imagen de Pap plato

Resultado de imagen de frikadelleVictoria ate a plate called Frikadelle that costed 7´50 Sudafrican Rands

Ancor ate some sausages with potatoes, that costed 5 Sudafrican Rands

Resultado de imagen de fotos de salchichas papas

The next day we had to tidy up all the things we had in the hotel, so then we go to the Lanseria Airport, so then we go to Caracas

Resultado de imagen de CaracasResultado de imagen de Aeropuerto Lanseria


-Try to speak english 

-Eating tipical food

-Knowing more people

-Having fun

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